Another one bites the dust.

Sep 15, 2005 18:34

I never really know how to think about the whole "weight" issue these days. I mean am I to be happy somebody put on weight or lost weight or is having a baby or is losing the baby pounds or is healthier or is a skeleton?

It truly, truly bemuses me. I used to be someone who thought about their weight a lot and I suppose I'd be lying if I didn't still get upset or at least mildly bothered about it to this day. But you know what helped me get over it? Dieters. Yup thats right serial dieters. I'm so up to my back teeth fed the fuck up of people going on at me day in about either how little or how much they ate. About how they're now no carbs, low fat, high protein, more carbs, food only every second day, only green food, only certain food at certain times of the day and oh my god I fell asleep listening to you talk because you're so god damn boring about the whole thing. Or the best one "I'm not trying to lose weight I'm just trying to tone up." Yeah, try toning up while eating half a pot noodle a day, if you pass out and/or vomit I'll be the one whose sitting there laughing her ass off because I so told you so.

Because you know what? I was there before, I did the whole eating a bag of popcorn every two days, taking laxatives every day, drinking salt water to throw up what I ate and you know where it got me? It got me a two week stint in Beaumont, a blood transfusion, a serious stomach disorder and a major pain in my ass.

So yeah at the moment I could probably stand to lose half a stone "realistically" speaking. But I refuse to be suckered in.

Because I like my cake.

I'm going to eat it.

Probably heated up and with a lot of ice-cream.
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