Fic: Above Water

Nov 19, 2011 11:38

Title: Above Water
Fandom: Ringer
Words: 100
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Characters/Pairing: Bridget
Summary: Bridget wonders how far she can take this.
Prompt: "Double exposure" (for
tvrealm's Big Bang) and 100_women 069 "Water"
Warnings: none
Notes: I am way behind on Ringer at the moment. This was written after I saw the second episode, I think, so it slots in somewhere around there.

She supposes she’s still the same person on the inside, but now whenever Bridget looks in the mirror, it’s Siobhan she sees, and that terrifies her. She had thought this would be the best course of action at the start, but she quickly realised she was in way over her head. She just wishes she could talk to someone about it. She told Malcolm, yes, but she can’t risk contacting him again, and anyone else she now knows would think she’s gone crazy. No, for now, she just has to play the game, and hope her heads stays above water.

fic, challenge: tvrealm, tv: ringer, challenge: 100_women

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