gliddy gloop gloopy

Sep 02, 2011 03:22

Characters: welljustwatchme, pluckmygstring, beerjugs
Date: September 1
Summary: Canada is borrowing Spain's flute from Austria so that Prussia, who has flute envy, can play it for a little while and possibly antagonize Austria at the same time.
Warnings: N/A (unless someone starts on dirty flute metaphors, which is entirely likely)

The more Canada thought about it, the more apparent it became that there was pretty well no way, "hey Austria, can Prussia borrow something of yours?" was going to go over well. They had a history, she knew they did. But things were supposed to be peaceful here and now and Canada would feel too responsible if she let anything change.

So that was why her mission today was to deliberately omit some truth. She was going to be as nice and trustworthy as possible to Austria, to talk her into lending Canada her flute for the day, with no mention of her old adversary whatsoever.

And then Canada was going to deliver the flute to Prussia, loiter for a little bit, and hope to every divine being ever worshiped that no one else found out about the deceit.

It was simple, really.

*closed, austria, canada, prussia

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