(no subject)

Jul 10, 2011 17:59

Characters: ebony_bone and visitors, with possible appearances from thesamename (sort of open).
Date: Multiple days in the dates after this post. People can put a specific date in their thread title, if they wish.
Summary: People attempting to visit Jackie where she has been holed up after the phantoms event, and Dominique turning most of them away. More detail here.
Warnings: Descriptions of depressive behaviour, possibly more along that route, will update if occur.

Dominique has fallen into something of a routine, the past few weeks. She spends the majority of her time in the living room, with frequent visits to the bedroom, if Jackie doesn't come out on her own. She worries for Jackie, but she knows that worrying at her will only make her retreat further - quiet company is best, patience and calm is best. She reads, books made with the dirt, cleans and cooks, and watches the vine.

It could give her cabin fever, if she let it. But she's worked long missions before, closed away in small spaces, hiding. Her care and concern for Jackie overrides any desire to be outside, to be doing something else. There is little in the Gardens to do, anyway, and the vine provides enough distraction, here and there.

She finishes cleaning the kitchen from dinner the night before, and settles on the couch with a book, the vine nearby if she grows bored with ink and paper.

[[ooc: post is in prose, but please reply with action tags if possible, I am much faster at them.]]

ellie linton, *open, epsilon, dominique de tisi, reno

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