
Jun 08, 2011 22:29

It was a normal night in the Garden, apart from the starless sky. Amamiya wandered the edge of the Wild Places, unable to sleep. Some nights were worse than others, and this was a bad one. Hopefully, the night air would clear her head.

Suddenly, the air split above her, forming a set of flat, glowing hexagons. And through them emerged a woman, a woman with short blonde hair, strange eyes, and an odd, futuristic outfit. Despite the physical alterations demanded by the Garden, Amamiya recognized her immediately. How could she not? You don't often forget the face of someone who effortlessly defeated you and killed two of your friends right in front of you. Amamiya drew her sword, glaring up at her.

"Well, well, well," Shiner said, smiling down at her, condescending as always. "It's you! I'm so glad I didn't have to look very hard after all."

[ooc: Shiner has extremely potent teleportation powers that make her very dangerous to engage. For example, one of her favorite tricks is teleporting people a couple of hundred feet into the air and just letting them fall to their death. So...just bear that in mind.

As for what she represents? Amamiya's fear of being unable to protect people. So yeah, she's gonna be trying to murder people.

If you have a specific place you would like to encounter them, you can just mention it and we'll assume that Shiner teleported them there while they were tussling.
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