Characters: Signum, Maria, Fate, Anna, Ahsoka, Ar, Saber (Arturia), anyone else who wants to sign up
hereDate: 10/12 (Sunday)
Summary: Signum leads another expedition to the edges, this time to the south
Warnings: Don't run with swords.
Notes: Please post free-for-all style and don't worry about order.
Looking out over the posse of sorts she'd organized, Signum considers that she might have recruited a little heavy from the warrior kind of spectrum and been a little lacking in actual scouts, but everyone here seemed more than serious and capable, at least. And she did say "reconnaissance-in-force". If she was lucky, she'd find one of the Queen's cronies...
Ready to relay anything she found back to Hayate, Vita, and Nanoha, Signum stands in front of her assembled group. "The plan is to strike out due South until we can't go any further," she says in a loud, steady voice to make sure she's heard. "This is a scouting expedition, so keep your eyes open and be ready for the unknown. Watch each others' backs. If we come to anything unusual or that blocks our progress, we'll make decisions as it comes. Any questions?"