A new dungeon opens

Apr 22, 2011 15:06

Characters: Souji + Setsuko + anyone who wants to join
Date: April 22
Summary: The Gardens have a new neighbor and Souji has an unhealthy level of curiosity. Also some friends
Warnings: Robits.

After a week or two to get over the events of the party (which, okay, weren't exactly bad so much as pleasantly confusing) and getting to know the Gardens' new residents, Souji has gotten around to heading back to the Viridian Pavilion. Her mind is on a mission - not an urgent one, but an important one of getting to know the lay of the new land that had opened up. Excited at the possibilities of insight into this weird place, and happy that she wasn't traipsing around to rescue a kidnapping victim like the last time she went through weird portals, Souji smiles slightly as she re-adjusts the sword on her belt. Not that she expected to be fighting, but it never hurt to be prepared...

On her way, though, Souji's not expecting not to run into anyone. There's probably at least a few others interested in this 'Antikythera' place who haven't gone yet...

setsuko kajahara, souji seta

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