(no subject)

Apr 20, 2011 19:55

Characters: America, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Lithuania, Romana, Spain, Prussia, and Venezia. I think?
Date: Wednesday afternoon/evening
Summary: going exploring to the new world as a social activity and England's not invited
Warnings: likely N/A, but I'll change it if anyone gets up to anything!

When Canada had originally suggested a Nation get-together, she'd been more thinking dinner or a sleepover. But then there was something new and America thought it would be a good idea to get everyone together for that and, well, if Canada couldn't find a good reason to go against her sister, she just went with her. It was easiest that way.

So she had sent the others written invitations to join them here and stammered her way through a reason why when it came up, and now she was waiting. Actually, she was pacing around the centre of the Pavilion, not far from the odd staircase and the sign for the Isle of Antikythera, winding the end of one long pigtail around her finger as she paced. The others would be here soon enough. She hoped.

((ooc: This is open for people showing up - just tag in with your girl's marvellous entrance - and for someone - anyone but Canada, really - going, 'okay, let's go.' We can work on adventures from there. Have fun tagging around, gals, and try to keep minor wars to a minimum.))

lithuania, italy, germany, america, spain, canada, austria, prussia

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