002; rebuilding the temple of artemis

Apr 07, 2011 00:15

Date: 6th April | Early evening.
Summary: Sasha being not-so-paranoid at The Arcade.
Warnings: Yes, possibly cursing and maybe some gory memories.

It had been a while since Sasha had seen so much green. Back in her world, there was little of that - true that some of the rebel humans kept their artificial gardens to sustain themselves, grow their food, but the woman didn't dwell in their lands. How could she, being the traitor she was, the informant life she took? But here, in the Gardens, she is always somewhat surprised to see the long corridors of trees and grass, of life. It's not a soothing sight, it's weird, but it does not distress her. While this is a calm place, Sasha doesn't let go of old habits, of the lack of sleep and the looking over her shoulder, never relaxed because Sash can't let herself relax, her paranoia never letting her, her bandaged finger where Dot had taken a bite out of a reminder that nowhere is safe. Sleep is... hardly an alternative for her. She only gets the bare minimum needed, only resting her eyes sometimes, only when she is sure she is hidden and not even the cats can find her and yet she always wakes up with a little jump, startled that the first thing she sees once she opens her eyes is a face she cannot erase.

And that is exactly what happens when the night settles slowly in the Gardens. She wakes up with a start, opening her eyes suddenly like she had been shaken violently out of a nightmare. Wiping her dry lips, she sits up slowly, rubbing her forehead slightly. Her backpack had served as a pillow so she gathers it to her lap, slowly taking a pack of cigarettes out of it. She walks over to the inside of the building carefully, still groggy, and sits at one of the computers. The Arcade is rather... empty. She doesn't mind it, prefers it like this, and smokes while turning the computer on. She has never really used these much back in her world, mostly because most of the networks are open to everyone's access and those that are hidden, only the rebel forces use it. Still there's nothing to do, so she simply opens the first link, to the Wikipedia page and blinks slowly. She clicks on the Random link, only to find that the page is not to be found.

She wonders if anyone finds this place much like a dictatorship. She doesn't know which she prefers. This place, run by a Queen that's not quite all there, or her own world, where monsters roam and you can be eaten if you're not smart enough, not fast enough.

With a sigh, she leans her arms on the desk and stares at the page emptily, cigarette between her fingers slowly whirling its smoke and tar into air. She would love to get some coffee, but she knows Jackie's place has other people and she doesn't quite feel like going to find strangers opening the door. That would make her even more nervous.

"Shit," she mumbles quietly, pulling the old MP3 player out of her bag, putting her headphones on and crancking up the volume. "Why aren't there coffee machines here..."

sasha, *open, jill half-a-prayer

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