Один ♛ Action

Dec 11, 2010 17:21

Oh, great. Just what I need. Another sleepwalking nightmare. The last time I dreamed about sunshine-and-roses, I nearly fell into the North Sea. But since I'm too close to finding out who I am to take any more creative detours, I'm going to have to postpone this little nightmare for a more convenient time, like, oh, say, never.

[ pause ]

Dimitri, Vladimir, if either of you can hear me, a pinch or cold water or something would be really nice right about now.

[ But when neither of her travel companions respond, she reluctantly flips open the invitation and skims it, still in a state of disbelief. Once she's finished, she anxiously rubs her forehead as she tries to take in what she's just read. ]

All of my needs will be met, huh? Well, I'd say I'm in need of a wake-up call.

tenshi hinanai, hina kagiyama, anna lin, *action, yukari yakumo, america, anastasia nikolaevna romanova

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