[[Warning: violence. Continued from
this still ongoing log.]]
[The Vine starts recording suddenly. It shows a blur of motion, confusion, two figures moving quickly through the foliage, stepping in and out of the mirror's view. Red hair and white hair. Green eyes, though one pair of them glows unnaturally. Reno and Kadaj. There's a blade, flashing in the sunlight. When it finds its mark, one of the figures staggers back. There's blood on her white shirt. Someone laughs, begins to speak in a voice like a shriek.
The recording stops suddenly, cutting off the voice before any sense can be made of its words.
When it starts up again, Kadaj is gone. Perhaps she simply left, or perhaps she was taken away to the Labyrinth. Reno is lying on the ground, her shirtfront soaked with blood and her mouth red with it.]
Wait, she's gone. Fuck it. [She's used to her partner having her back. She doesn't like needing anyone else. She laughs softly, but there's no real mirth in the sound.] Doesn't hurt that bad. I've had worse. [She doesn't have the energy to say much more--or at least she should be conserving her strength--but she's satisfied that she's made her disregard for her wound clear.]