Sooner or later god'll cut you down

Sep 27, 2011 01:36

Characters: tasercopter & a_good_daughter (closed)
Date: Forward dated several days (to the future date when Reno makes her related Vine post)
Summary: Two old friends have a little chat.
Warnings: blood, violence, possible torture (will update if it gets too graphic)

It had been more bearable in the Gardens when Rude had been there with her, but now it's endlessly boring, not to mention annoying. Reno doesn't give a shit about most of the other women, though there are a few who aren't bad. The sappy sweet air of romance, though--that makes her sick.

Yet it's not as if she doesn't have anything planned. While Rude had still been present, they'd started to make a plan. To get Kadaj put away. Not to mention to show people how dangerous she was. Rude was no longer there to get her back, but Reno was going to carry through anyway. Turks always carry through with their plans. No matter if their numbers get cut down. No matter what.

First, she's got to find Kadaj. She doesn't want it to be obvious that she was looking for trouble, so she's not going to use the Vine. She's going to go out and find that pasty-ass bitch. The Garden isn't that big. It's only a matter of time. Not like she has anything better to do, right? Why not go hunting for Remnants? She'd never figured herself for the kind of girl who'd pick Remnants over romance, but it looks like that's exactly the kind of girl she is. Maybe she's crazy. No, she's definitely crazy. In any case, this, Reno knows, is ultimately going to suck. But hey, it's something to do. And she likes a good fight. She's sure she'll get in a few good blows.

That's why Reno's walking through the trees all on her lonesome out near the Wild Places, randomly tasering the local flora with her Electro-Mag Rod when she feels like it, sure to make plenty of noise as she goes. Every so often, she calls out, "Here, kitty kitty." And she doesn't mean Claire.

kadaj, *closed, reno

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