011 Sister [video]

Jul 21, 2011 21:35

[The Vine opens on a setting that is uncharacteristic of the Gardens. It appears to be a dimly lit laboratory. The walls are pale gray, with dark screens that flicker with green, displaying data that may or may not be meaningless. There is a low humming, from the lights or machinery. In the background, there is another sound--faint, but sharper ( Read more... )

yuka kazami, *video, sephiroth (final fantasy vii), oerba yun fang, fela luisa delmas, loly aivirrne, *vine

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c_zacatechichi July 22 2011, 02:08:31 UTC
[The concern on her face is much more lucid this time around.]

Connected to you?


no_hometown July 22 2011, 02:18:21 UTC
[Sephiroth finds it difficult to explain, as none of the possible explanations actually make sense to her, but it is undeniable that she and Kadaj are connected.]

She is like me, in some ways. She claims we have the same mother.


c_zacatechichi July 22 2011, 02:36:08 UTC
[Fela would say that sounds lovely, if she could not hear the other woman screaming.]

I don't know if I could help, but I would be happy to try...


no_hometown July 22 2011, 02:46:45 UTC
She is not human. [Sephiroth doesn't know what she is, having seen the woman dissolve into a cloud of black mist.] I'm not sure what might work, so I would be willing to try anything that did not harm her.

She is very distressed. I would rather not have to keep her contained, as it clearly pains her.


c_zacatechichi July 22 2011, 03:15:55 UTC
[Fela nods quietly. She has used her powers on some that were not human here in the Garden, though her foggy memories and the uncertain nature of each individual made it no clearer whether or not she might be of any use.]

An unwilling mind is not easily shaped, but perhaps I could calm her, at least.

[No one wished the woman pain, Fela was certain.]

Shall I come to you?


no_hometown July 22 2011, 03:25:32 UTC
She is violent, also. If you could calm her, that would be a great help.

I can meet you outside my Headquarters.


c_zacatechichi July 22 2011, 03:49:55 UTC
I will be there soon.

[She leaves the mirror, goes to find one of the cats to show her the way.]


no_hometown July 22 2011, 04:07:54 UTC
I thank you.

[She does not mind leaving Kadaj alone for a little while to wait for Fela. She has stayed with Kadaj since bringing her to her headquarters, but it is good to be outside again and away from her--although at the same time, she wishes to return to her. It is an odd feeling.

The day is pleasant, and the robot Faremis that tends to follow her through the Gardens waits with her.]


c_zacatechichi July 23 2011, 00:03:46 UTC
[Fela appears across the grass soon enough, heralded by a tortoiseshell cat with green eyes. It glances back at her when Sephiroth comes into view and the dreamchaser crouches down to give its head a good scritching in thanks before she bids it farewell and approaches the General and her retinue. She has her purse with her, sonando packaged inside, and she adjusts it on her shoulder as she approaches.]

You've not been waiting long?

[Pleasantry, perhaps, but Fela had a very poor sense of time, for obvious reasons.]


no_hometown July 23 2011, 01:42:59 UTC
[Sephiroth's sense of time is precise, but her patience is great.]

Not long.

[She does not know what Kadaj will make of Fela, and she feels slightly apprehensive, remembering Kadaj's threats to kill everyone. Sephiroth, of course, would not allow that to happen, but--she does not want to distress Kadaj further. Yet she must try something. She opens the door, gesturing for Fela to enter the lobby.]

She is unquestionably dangerous, but I can assure you that you will not be harmed.


c_zacatechichi July 23 2011, 03:26:47 UTC
[Despite being a very warm and sociable woman, Fela does take her work as a dreamchaser very seriously, she does not dawdle outside, heading in so that they can go meet with the sufferer.]

Then I will rely on you.

[Fela agrees with her simply. While she was nearly invincible within the dreaming, she was only flesh and bone in the waking world.]


no_hometown July 24 2011, 20:03:05 UTC
[She leads the way to the elevator, then pushes the button for the laboratory floor. She has had a few other guests, but Reeve is the only other person she has allowed to enter the laboratory. It is an odd, uneasy place.]

I'm not sure if she dreams. She doesn't need food, and she doesn't seem to sleep, though I have put her to sleep a few times.


c_zacatechichi July 25 2011, 03:55:15 UTC
[She is listening, nodding quietly.]

Lack of sleep can cause devastation in many ways.

[She means in more than just a physical sense, she has been in the Garden a long time now and the concept of creatures that do not need sleep is not foreign to her, but resting the mind could be accomplished in other ways, allowing time for emotion and thought to seep into the heart and the soul was important.]


no_hometown August 1 2011, 21:06:56 UTC
It troubles me. [She says this calmly, not as if she were actually troubled.] That I don't know what she is.

[There are few actual floors, so the elevator does not take long to rise. The doors opens onto sterile, pale gray surfaces and dim, greenish light. It is impossible to hear sounds on any floor from the other floors, but as Sephiroth steps forward, she can hear Kadaj. The woman calls her name, as if she sensed her return. The voice echoes oddly, sounds barely human.]


c_zacatechichi August 1 2011, 21:41:26 UTC
[She touches Sephiroth's arm lightly, takes it seriously when the woman says she is troubled.]

I will see what I can divine from her.

[Fela follows along to the captive, unafraid, even in this eerie place, even approaching this dangerous creature.]


no_hometown August 1 2011, 22:03:57 UTC
[The lab is both like and unlike its real world counterparts. The lights flicker. The surfaces are sterile, the computers on, as if ready to be used. Yet the configuration is all wrong, and the machines are all but useless. She leads Fela down a hallway, past open doors, to the containment unit.]

Hello, Kadaj. I've brought someone to meet you. This is Fela.

[[OOC: I'll let Kadaj know about tagging in!]]


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