
Jun 21, 2011 09:16

[Somebody is very happy. Maniacal laughter happy. You see, somebody has a fully grown plant that appears to be coming along swimmingly. Or snappingly, really; it's occupying itself in trying to eat the air. Hey, you never know- SOMETHING delicious might come within reach!]

yuka kazami, *action, kuja (final fantasy ix), fran madaraki, misty (pokemon), vitalia ruiz asención

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[action] existwithoutme June 21 2011, 21:21:06 UTC
[Kuja is also failing to consider the suffering and death involved. She nods quite pleasantly.] By the time the animal is no longer a useful resource, the plants have grown able to survive without them. I can describe the mechanism in more detail if you have need in the future.

The creatures I made were not improved humans, precisely--they were powerful and intelligent enough to follow orders--they could speak and reason to an extent--but they possessed no true minds of their own. [They were mindless for the most part, that is.] Their lifespans were limited, their only purpose warfare.

[Ah yes, some people like to have visitors.] Yet their very obviousness makes them useless against any determined enemy, as they can simply be burned. It is a very easy thing to make a fire. They cannot elude attack, and they have no projectile attack of their own. [As she is being polite, she does not illustrate how easy it would be to destroy the plant. Being appealed to as an expert does flatter her vanity. Although--she was supposed to stop causing war and conflict between humans. Well, this is only a little advice.] You may certainly consult me, and I will do my very best to share what knowledge I possess.


Re: [action] made_of_science June 21 2011, 21:44:51 UTC
Oh! If you could be so kind... as a matter of fact... If you'd care to come inside, I should have a free notebook somewhere, and perhaps you could even provide some kind of diagram?

I see... so, closer to automatons than an actual life, if I get your meaning?

[Her face clouds] i- I should hope it would not come to that... not again... I'm afraid I have no way to defend my specimens against fire...


[action] existwithoutme June 22 2011, 00:50:26 UTC
I could do that. I can document a few of the plants I am familiar with, if you would like. [She pats the "head" of Vitalia's plant creation, and it does not try to bite her this time.]

There was some actual life to them, but it would not be incorrect to say that. [For someone talking about her own creations, she seems oddly ambivalent.]

[Kuja doesn't seem to have the empathy required to realize that the topic of fire has unsettled Vitalia.] Working with plants, that would be my chief concern. Yet, I once made such weapons as made the world weep-- [She is getting a bit carried away, and does not forget that those weapons were part of the problem, but this is an entirely different situation.] I could set my mind to solving that little problem.


made_of_science June 22 2011, 14:03:18 UTC
That would be most helpful of you! [She blinks at her creation's change in attitude.] My, you seem to have a strange effect on it...

I see. I don't suppose you'll be continuing the work here... unless it's merely out of interest. I haven't seen any reason to need war machines.

Oh, could you? I should find that very helpful... It sounds like you were a very accomplished scientist in your home! [Vitalia: impressed!]


existwithoutme June 22 2011, 15:02:13 UTC
Hm? [She glances down at the plant.] Yes. I do have some dominion over beasts.

Oh no, not at all. I have no interest in war now. I am but a woman of peace. An artist, you might say. Devoted to beautiful things.

I can make no promises, but I will see what can be done. [She nods.] My accomplishments were many.


made_of_science June 22 2011, 15:07:35 UTC
Dominion? My, that sounds quite useful! Papi could have used someone with such abilities back on San Alberto! Oh, and I'm sure you would have gotten along well intellectually... [Actually, it probably would have ended in tears and flaming destruction, but Vitalia is a horrible judge of character.]

How lovely! I do hope you will get along well here- it does seem quite an aesthetically pleasing area, wouldn't you agree?

In any case, I look forward to any collaborations we might embark on.


existwithoutme June 23 2011, 20:11:30 UTC
[That would have been a horrible experience for all involved. Kuja herself is doubtful, as she tends not to get along well with anyone.] Possibly. It is both a useful and unique gift. There are few with such mastery over beasts as I have.

I agree that the natural elements are pleasing to the eye, but where civilization is concerned, there are no beautiful artworks, no shining streets, and instead of symmetry and harmony, there are haphazard buildings, springing up at random here and there, with a complete lack of unity. There is no design, no sense of purpose or intelligence. One can only gaze upon a tumult of trees and blossoms so long before one grows tired of the disarray.

...not that I have yet reached that point. [She nods at Vitalia's last words.] It may be an engaging pastime.


made_of_science June 23 2011, 21:29:07 UTC
[Vitalia is also a victim of the thinking that "Because I like two people, clearly they will both get along famously! :D"]

I suppose there is something to that... I imagine the strange properties of this area might make a well-planned layout difficult in the first place, as so often places seem to move when one is not looking.


existwithoutme June 25 2011, 17:00:34 UTC
[Oh Vitalia, always so cute.]

[She smiles.] This place is not stable? A shifting garden... a pleasant enough idea. It reminds me of my home in some small way. My Desert Palace was full of traps and puzzles. It added interest to my visitors' stays.

Perhaps I will see what can be done. If a layout cannot be well-planned, at least it can be beautiful, no? More art and architecture might be added. Though the world shift all around them, they will be its anchor. [It might also help make up for some of those cities she destroyed.]


made_of_science June 25 2011, 20:14:42 UTC
[In that facepalm sort of way.]

My, what an interesting idea! I shall be very interested in what you come up with. A well-rounded community does require a certain level of aesthetic appreciation.


existwithoutme June 30 2011, 04:10:46 UTC
Organization is a skill of mine. [Though usually what she organizes is war and discord--but it counts! She is a highly organized person.] I do so enjoy having a grand project to devote myself to. What is life without ambition, passion?

I am pleased there are others here who feel as I do.


made_of_science June 30 2011, 14:32:43 UTC
I quite agree!

Indeed. I do hope that we might continue our acquaintanceship, Miss Kuja. It's rare to find such an arresting person as yourself!


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