
Jun 21, 2011 09:16

[Somebody is very happy. Maniacal laughter happy. You see, somebody has a fully grown plant that appears to be coming along swimmingly. Or snappingly, really; it's occupying itself in trying to eat the air. Hey, you never know- SOMETHING delicious might come within reach!]

yuka kazami, *action, kuja (final fantasy ix), fran madaraki, misty (pokemon), vitalia ruiz asención

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Comments 162

Action; alchemistsquery June 21 2011, 14:58:03 UTC
[Alfimi draws near, curious about the source of the laughter.] What... is this?


Re: Action; made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:02:28 UTC
[Ohai how are you Vitalia is in a FANTASTIC mood!] Why, it is my latest successful creation! I managed to take the basics of a snapdragon and a Venus Flytrap and [oh god the technobabble it is too much to believe], and this was the result. I'm terribly excited!


Action; alchemistsquery June 21 2011, 15:09:10 UTC
I see... You have created new life by taking two plants and putting them together. [She frowns, but only for a moment.]

Please make sure to treat your creations with care...


Re: Action; made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:12:06 UTC
Oh, certainly! It wouldn't do to neglect them! Why, one might say they are almost like my children. Although there must, of course, be a certain detachment toward them, as so many experiments become unsuccessful.


Action autumn_crocus June 21 2011, 15:08:16 UTC
I see somebody's been busy.


Re: Action made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:10:31 UTC
Oh, Miss Yuka! Good day to you! Yes, I've managed to create this new specimen! Isn't it lovely?

[The specimen snaps hopefully toward Yuka]


autumn_crocus June 21 2011, 15:14:00 UTC
[Yuka carefuly stops outside of its maximum snapping range. Probably best not to have to do something about it - it's just doing what comes naturally, after all.]

It's certainly unique.


made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:21:23 UTC
I'm quite pleased. Perhaps I should set it up as a guard when I am out. It wouldn't do to have intruders, after all, particularly if they would harm my specimens.


gravityfists June 21 2011, 15:38:42 UTC
Oh. Well that's new. [ Batgirl skids to a halt, observing both the plant and the laughing girl ] This isn't the latest upgrade for the Vine, is it?


made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:42:18 UTC
[Hello new person Vitalia is happy to see you! Well, she's happy in general, but still!] Oh, good day! I can't see how it would offer any sort of helpful function to the Vine, to be certain... I believe it would better serve as a form of security.


gravityfists June 21 2011, 15:44:15 UTC
Good day! [ she rubs her chin thoughtfully ] Well, that's a plus. I don't really like the idea of trying to talk into that thing. I'd grab me by my cape and never let go!


made_of_science June 21 2011, 15:47:10 UTC
Oh, no, I don't suppose it'd be a good receptor at all. It moves around entirely too much! [There is also the factor of TEETH, but that's a piddly detail.]

I'm sure it would let go once the cape tore. At the very least, I believe it would have to in order to get a better grip on something more substantial. Rather like a crocodile or fish feeding.


[action] existwithoutme June 21 2011, 18:44:25 UTC
[Maniacal laughter is a familiar enough sound to Kuja, although she's used to making it herself. She recognizes the young woman and decides that the scene deserves a closer look.]

[Kuja approaches the plant and leans in, examining the creature closely, seemingly without regard for her personal safety. She doesn't look particularly impressed, but she's curious enough.] Ah, a plant beast. We have such as well. This one is rooted to the earth?


Re: [action] made_of_science June 21 2011, 18:48:34 UTC
Oh, Miss Kuja! Good day to you!

[It snaps at her, apparently particularly interested in her hair. Vitalia makes no moves to warn her away; Kuja either knows what she's doing or will learn a Very Important Lesson.] Yes, it is not likely to walk about any time soon; I've yet to experiment with such faculties. I wouldn't call it a beast; I haven't hybridized it with any fauna parts. I haven't the confidence to do so without Papi's guidance.


[action] existwithoutme June 21 2011, 19:02:35 UTC
Good day to you as well.

When I said 'beast', I spoke but metaphorically, of course. I am familiar with plants that move like animals, although they are not.

[Kuja carelessly waves the plant away from her hair, and it snaps at the manicured fingers that come into range, but its teeth do not so much as scratch her skin, and then the plant backs away, as if some stimulus has repelled it.] Ah, so you have made this creature. [Her eyes light.] And how was it done?


Re: [action] made_of_science June 21 2011, 19:09:28 UTC
Familiar? Oh my! Then such things are common where you come from?

[She's mildly interested in Kuja's apparent immunity to bitey plants, but much more interested in chattering away about her work. Technobabble happens. The words "snapdragon" and "Venus flytrap" come up. Blood may be involved somewhere.] ...so really, it's quite simple, once you've got the proper apparati. Should it be called for, I'm sure I could have a hedge of them quite easily. Though I don't expect it to be necessary in this place.


monstermedicine June 21 2011, 20:33:42 UTC
[ p i n g e d ]

Is that something you made?


made_of_science June 21 2011, 20:36:01 UTC
[!!! Y HELO THAR] Oh, good day, Miss! Yes, this is my first new creation here. I'm quite pleased with it!

If I may... you do seem to be... er... [How does one delicately put "not human and possibly also made of science"?]


monstermedicine June 22 2011, 05:31:46 UTC
Oh, my, so you are capable of this kind of thing... -- Oh, these? [ she points to her stitches, the ones that cut across her jaw, ] They're really nothing. The Doctor put me together this way, after all...


made_of_science June 22 2011, 13:56:44 UTC
Then... you must be like Mami! Well, a different construction, clearly, as Mami more resembles a human, but still! How very exciting!


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