[The emptiness of her temple after the opening ceremony's been getting to her. It's the Temple of Zephyr, and yet it isn't the Temple. There aren't the usual sounds. No priests randomly stumbling into her room in an inebriated state or slipping in to cuddle. No laughter, talking, and other activity. Just quiet emptiness. And the vista outside, as lovely as it is, is somewhat alien to her who's grown up in a land more parched if not without its bits of greenery.
The people she's known for over fifty years are all gone. And the voice of Zephyr's gone. For those reasons, Melia's let the start of Spring merely slip by her, an occasion she ordinarily would be celebrating joyously.
The realization comes to Melia. This isn't the Temple. Without the people, it isn't the Temple. The Temple, to her, has been a symbol of stability despite the random but ultimately minor everyday chaos associated with her life. But this situation's been a complete upheaval to a life that, despite being dedicated to a goddess of Chaos, has had a certain consistency.
It's then that Melia decides. This Temple replica's too much of an relic of the past, a past that isn't here right now. Time for change. She gives some thought to undoing her creation of it, but the construction's a bit too solid to dismantle so simply and others might very well find some beauty in it. So she simply walks out, with the intention of never returning. Until the day she returns to the real Temple.]
I would request a place to rest my head at night. One filled with people and activity. For those themselves wishing a place to reside, they may feel free to make use of the imitation I have created of the Temple of Zephyr. I no longer wish to make use of it.
[She gives
a quick description and directions to its premises near the Arena.]