Feb 26, 2011 18:41

[The mirrors all throughout the Gardens turn on! It reveals a young blonde woman standing atop a wooden stage--spotlights shine on her! Where are those lights coming from, though? Also, isn't it midday? She is wearing what seems to be a stereotypical magical girl outfit and wielding a baton. Or a staff? Must be a staff for the magical girl theme.

Why is there glitter everywhere?

Oh, better pay attention! She takes a dramatic stance and speaks towards the mirrors.]

Welcome to the Magical Girl Lambda-Chan Show! Starring...Ugh.

[She sighs and shakes her head; she places one hand on her hip and uses the other to rub her forehead. Her shoe taps the stage impatiently.]

Wa~hooow! Good idea, stupid in practice. I wanted to make a BANG, BAM, BOOM! impression to catch everyone's attention, but this is just plain ol' dumb. This isn't CUTE or POP at all! I'd be embarrassed, but there's no time for that. I guess sometimes there IS such a thing as overkill!

[The screen goes blank; before you have a chance to process the bizarre spectacle, the mirror brightens up once again, featuring the same young lady as before. This time, however, she is wearing her normal frilly pink dress--is that a jack-o-lantern on her thigh?--and a pink beret, while sitting quietly at a table in the Gardens, sipping at some tea.

...Where did that other stuff go? Where did that table come from? Why is this girl so pink? So many red bows, you have no idea! She sure seems to be a weirdo!]

I suppooose doing things the old fashioned way has its merits.

So~! Ladies and...well, more ladies, I suppose. I'm not going to throw a fit, beg for an explanation, or anything like that. It's pretty much spelled out for me whose butt I need to kick, right? I'll give the Queen some credit: getting the Witch of Certainty into a game without her knowing and getting her stuck there takes some skill! It also ticks me off.

After all, do you have any idea how rude it is?! It's totally, completely, and absolutely rude! Her hospitality needs a lot of work, too. She drags me--an honored guest!--here and dumps me in the woods. La~aaame!

But. Whatever! Could be worse. It's completely impossible, but what if I got dragged to some cruddy city and lost my magic? Or maybe to some far-away island and forced to do dirty things? This place doesn't seem too bad in comparison! Kind of like a childish fairy tale, but that's not much different than Beato's game...

If we're meant to play here together, then make sure not to be boring! There's no~othing worse than boredom, after all.

Oh. One last matter.

[She takes a sip from her cup and calmly sets it back down. She smiles.

Then jumps from her seat.]


If anyone's seen a grumpy blue-haired girl, you better spill! This isn't any time for that child to be misbehaving!

*video, lambdadelta, *vine

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