☾ Neun

Feb 26, 2011 01:39

[Hayate is in her full-on military commander uniform, cape and beret and all.]

[ - Private to TSAB - ]

Okay, the mission to find a way out of this place isn't makin' any progress, so all you guys liste up, please:

We're not giving up on getting out, but it's pretty obviously that the instances of danger here aren't strange flukes on the Queen's part and we'll be running into them more and more. Plus, we're gonna be here a while, as much as I hate to admit it. So, priority goes to keeping people safe. Everyone try to patrol as much as you can just in case anyone ends up in trouble, okay?

[She pauses and sighs. She is entirely and completely out of her element here. Hayate is used to chasing faceless criminals that could be found, but not unfindable criminals with faces. She has pretty much decided that, whatever this place may be, the Queen and her people are not physically here.

She is very much not happy with this. It did not help matters that her own magic and skills were all but useless concerning the threats they have all encountered thus far.]

[ - Public | Video - ]

Hello, everyone. My name is Hayate Yagami, if we haven't had a chance to met yet. I would like to request anyone with any skills--fighting, magic, healing--to give me your name and an idea of what you can do. I'm not interested in taking command over everyone; I would just like to know what people are capable of and who you are so that I have an idea of what we all have to work with.

I'll start with myself: I'm the commander of criminal investigations in...a military. I'm also a mage, which means I can use magic; I specialize in wide-area, anti-army spells. That's about it.

I hope this might be the start of getting organized to better deal with dangerous situations in the future.

[It is not much, but it is a start and better than nothing because doing nothing at all would drive Hayate mad.]

*video, fate t. harlaown, hayate yagami, signum (magical girl lyrical nanoha), *vine, vita (magical girl lyrical nanoha)

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