the +s and -s

Mar 03, 2005 08:15

There's nothing to write about lately. Everything happens in a constant pattern: the same in spanish, the same in biology, the same strange dreams at night. I wish I had something interesting to say, but, unfortunately, I don't. I'll just recap what's "going on" in the life of Rachel: the goods and the bads.

- pas tomorrow
- taylor&amanda
+ spring break soon
- pas next week
+ have a 98 in algebra
- midterms next week [i think]
+ soccer season has started again
+/- saw mitch the other day
- have been feeling blah for too fucking long.

It's kind of weird, this life of mine. Not really "weird", but just... so dream-like. It's hard to explain. Every day I just want to faint, and wake up to something different for once. I don't care what it is... just something other than this.

If I had to sum up everything
that has happened this year 
with only one word, it would be a
sad face.

<33 rachel
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