Fic: Ineluctable

Apr 26, 2008 01:53

Title: Ineluctable
Author: queenof1000days
Characters: Bobby Goren, Frances Goren, Donny Goren, Felicity Lynch, Ben and Jamie Deschanel, Kimberly and Henry Lynch.
Pairing: n/a.
Word Count: 789; according to MW.
Summary: She’s careful to come in the times that Detective Goren isn’t there. Her visits are short and quiet - for the most part. ineluctable: incapable of being evaded; inescapable: an ineluctable destiny. [Definition from dictionary (dot) com].
Warning/Spoilers: You know what? Let's just say all of season 1-7 of CI.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer.
Author’s Note: Thanks to queen_kiwi, alamo_girl80, faeriedeath, and kait_rn for the beta, read through, and cheerleading.

She’s careful to come in the times that Detective Goren isn’t there. Her visits are short and quiet - for the most part. After Ben finds out that she was a librarian, Felicity reads to her. Those visits in which Felicity reads tend to be longer; but she’s careful not to leave any mark of her being there.

Felicity wonders what Frances Goren would make of her only granddaughter. Ben’s research - for it has been extensive and involving half the firm - shows that the only two grandchildren Frances Goren has are she and a boy named Donny.

The alarm on her phone vibrates and she closes the book, taking a moment to watch her grandmother’s chest rise and fall. Soon Ben will be where Frances is, lying silently in a hospital bed. Only with Ben, Felicity won’t have to sneak in and have her visits end too soon.

Sliding on her coat, she contemplates how all this came to be. Frances having her mother, putting Kimberly up for adoption, and then having Anne and Gary DeGraw adopt the little girl. Kimberly meeting Henry Lynch in a stalled elevator; her father proposing, three years later, on the same elevator (which was working again.) Then four years later, her parents having her.

The plane crash happened when she was eight. Felicity doesn’t remember much of her parents’ funeral - just the sun reflecting off her parents’ caskets; the priest’s words all running together; the smell of the flowers from the memorial bouquets and baskets; the feeling of the dirt sliding through her fingers.

She had to go through it again when Jamie died. That funeral was somewhat worse than her parents’. Her parents named Jamie and Ben as her legal guardians; Jamie had been a friend of Kimberly’s the majority of her mom’s life. In Jamie’s death, she had lost the last link to her mom. Felicity’s not certain if she can make a link with Detective Goren - or if she wants to.

Taking one last look at Frances, Felicity leaves the hospital room, closing the door behind her. In the hallway, she spots Detective Goren and Felicity fights the urge to run in the opposite direction. He doesn’t know who she is yet; Ben promises to let her know when he contacts him.

Detective Goren looks…sturdy but yet as if one good push will break him down. She sees the flash of a badge when his coat parts open and the scarier flash of a gun. He looks sad and fragile but it looks as if he’s trying to project a strong persona. He walks into Frances’ room and Felicity walks to the elevators.

In the main entrance of the hospital, she sees Abby standing there, picking a fingernail.
“Hi,” Felicity says and Abby looks up.

“My dad dropped me off,” Abby Deakins offers in way of explanation as to why she’s here. Felicity simply nods.

“Do you want to get some lunch?” Felicity asks. “I’m starving.”

“Lunch sounds great.” Abby’s face breaks into a smile and the two girls exit.

The next time she sees Detective Goren is at Frances’ funeral. It’s small and Felicity’s certain she and Ben stick out like a sore thumb. She really can’t say what she’s feeling at this funeral for a grandmother she didn’t know. All she knows is that she doesn’t want to go through this ever again. Ben’s oncologist and the news he delivered today tell her differently.

She sees Jimmy and Angie in the reception line and catches Angie’s confused look at her. Felicity mouths ‘Later’ and Angie returns her attention back to her husband.

After the funeral, Angie and Jimmy Deakins approach Felicity and Ben. In an hour’s conversation, the news that Ben imparts leaves them stunned.

“Felicity, if you need anything, you let us know. Okay?” This is an offer that Angie Deakins has made numerous times, and Felicity is grateful to the mother of her best friend.

“Thanks Angie,” Felicity replies as she zips up her coat.

“Bobby Goren is a good man.” Jimmy assures her right before he and his wife leave.

Ben and Felicity discuss and then agree that they can’t contact him while he’s on suspension. The courts, Ben unofficially and stealthily finds out, are cautious about giving the custody over to Detective Goren. They decide that if (but really when) any thing starts to happen to Ben, she’ll stay with the Deakins while things are settled with Detective Goren. The Deakins have been offering since the beginning but the state of New York likes to see orphans placed with known blood relatives rather than everything-but-blood relatives.

Felicity gets a phone call six weeks later that Ben is being admitted to the hospital.

friendslist: faeriedeath, character-centric: felicity, fic: universal disclaimer, fic: ineluctable, author: queenof1000days, friendslist: kait_rn, friendslist: queen_kiwi, friendslist: alamo_girl80

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