Over Inspiration Story Idea 1: Teen Wolf Wizard

Aug 25, 2011 20:24

Teen Wolf Wizard (Stiles Stilinsky and the Werewolf Pack of American Hogwarts):
A semi-HP infusion in which Hufflepuff Stiles talks Scott (also Hufflepuff) into going into the Forbidden Forest and Scott gets bit, which somehow ends up making Derek Hale (7th Year Slytherin) have to put up with Stiles. Professor Peter Hale (Head of Ravenclaw, Transfiguration Professor) does not mind having to put up with the talkative youth. Derek still does not understand how Scott getting bit makes Stiles somehow a member of the pack...



Main Character (in order of main-ness): Stiles, Derek, Professor Peter Hale, Professor "Sheriff" Stilinsky, Scott, etc...

MORE IN-DEPTH (not needed to help me chose, but just in case you are actually interested)

Teen Wizard Wolf

So, like I don’t have inspiration overload on the Teen Wolf fic front, here is an EPIC idea I have. It is a Teen Wolf/Harry Potter fusion. You don’t need to know anything about HP to understand the story. It is not even Teen Wolf set to the tune of Harry Potter, it would be more like Teen Wolf set to the tune of the Marauders. Mostly just the story of Teen Wolf happening in a HP setting.

Quick Hogwarts House Brush Up: Gryffindor=brave, Slytherin=ambition, Ravenclaw=smart, Hufflepuff=loyal

This will be Stiles/Derek

Stiles: HUFFLEPUFF, 5th Year (protagonist, sidekick, but more heroic than “hero” Scott)
Qudditch Position: Seeker (ADD flying all over the pitch)
Favorite Class: He loves all of them, but especially DADA and Charms and Care of Magical Creatures and…
Closest HP Equivalent: Somewhere between Neville Longbottom and Fred and George Weasley

Derek: Slytherin, 7th Year (love interest to Stiles, Mentor to Scott, yet antagonist)
Qudditch Position: Derek does not do organized sports
Favorite Class: DADA
Closest HP Equivalent: Somewhere between Sirius Black and, well, Sirius Black

Scott: Hufflepuff, 5th Year (kicked puppy)
Qudditch Position: Chaser
Favorite Class: Does Qudditch Count?
Closest HP Equivalent: Harry Potter (in the whole Maruader-ish storyline, he would be more Remus Lupin, but I will not insult my favorite character by comparing him to Scott McCall emo wolf)

Jackson: Gryffindor 6th Year (can anybody say “Draco Malfoy?” Antagonist)
Qudditch Position: Chaser (Captain)
Favorite Class: Charms
Closest HP Equivalent: Draco Malfoy

Lydia: Ravenclaw 6th Year (Stiles’s crush)
Qudditch Position: She might brake a nail, so no Qudditch
Favorite Class: Potions, but she exceeds in all of them
Closest HP Equivalent: Cho Chang with some Pany Parkinson and Hermione Granger for good measure

Allison: Gryffindor 5th Year (Scott’s crush/girlfriend, daughter of one of the bad guys, niece of crazy lady)
Qudditch Position: Keeper
Favorite Class: Nothing in particular, maybe DADA or Charms
Closest HP Equivalent: Ginny- kind of…

Danny: Gryffindor 6th Year (gay kid)
Qudditch Position: Beater
Favorite Class: Nothing in particular
Closest HP Equivalent: Huh.
Older Cast

Professor “Sheriff” Stillinsky: Defense Against the Dark Arts (f. Hufflepuff, Head of Hufflepuff House)
Closest HP Equivalent: Professor Remus Lupin

Professor Peter Hale: Transfiguration (f. Ravenclaw House, Head of Ravenclaw)
Closest HP Equivalent: Somewhere between Voldemort and Snape

Professor Kate Argent: Charms (f, Slytherin, Head of Slytherin House)
Closest HP Equivalent: BELLATRIX LEASTRANGE with a touch of Dolores Umbridge

Headmaster Chris Argent: Headmaster (f. Gryffindor, Head of Gryffindor)
Closest HP Equivalent: Somewhere between Lucius Malfoy and… I got nothing,

Professor Adrian Harris: Potions (f. Slytherin)
Closest HP Equivalent: Much lamer version of Snape

“The Vet” will be playing Hagrid, kind of, teaching Care of Magical Creatures

Coach Finstock, teaching Qudditch
Closest HP Equivalent: Oliver Wood but crazier

Melissa McCall: MUGGLE
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