As of today unemployed! WOOOO!

May 24, 2013 16:55

Because the last day of school was YESTERDAY! \O/

I know I don't mention it but if I ever seem ungrateful about how I don't have to worry about money as much, I don't mean it, I am IN ALL WAYS INCREDIBLY AND ASTOUNDINGLY GRATEFUL that my family is financially (and emotionally) stable enough for me to continue living with them. Also I'm pretty good at knowing how to spend my money and on what. So when I say 'woo unemployed!' I mean this job has provided me with enough income to last me through the summer if I don't manage to find another job, so I'm not going to stress it too much. (sorry if this seems out of the blue, i've had friends accuse me of having a ~secret credit card~ that my parents pay off which, no, wtf, NO.

But anyway yeah! Yesterday I spent five hours of my life in charge of drinks at a 6th and 7th grade picnic doing my best to ignore older women who wanted to complain about students behind their backs. Listen, I don't know that kid's life, I'm guessing you probably don't give a shit enough to know either, let's maybe chalk up some minor behavioral problems to Being A Hormonal Preteen and chill the fuck out. *hands*

And NOW I am freeee. (Though that same lady invited me up on the roof to blow bubbles after school with the rest of the teachers...which...i declined... (one of them had a pineapple wrapped in tissue paper. I don't want to know.))


do i really need a real life tag?, jobbing

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