Yesterday was my mom's birthday! WOO! We got in a fenderbender. Raaaaaaghhh

Apr 27, 2013 10:56

This is the second time we've been in car accidents on our way to/coming back from a FREE BIRTHDAY CHIROPRACTIC APPOINTMENT. And now we might have an itty bitty bit of whiplash, which means lots more (not free) chiropractic appointments. SIGH.

The good news is it was absolutely not my fault. The teenage girl behind us--probably texting--didn't see that we were stopping because (weirdly) the light was red. She hit us, we were knocked into the car in front of us. (This is literally the same thing that happened the first time mom and I were in a car accident on bday chiropractic day, only that time the car was way more fucked.) Soooo the car in front of us wasn't damaged, and the front of our van wasn't damaged, so he decided he was cool with it and took off. The back of my van got banged in hard (~innuendo~ to keep from busting a blood vessel) and now the doors won't open. And I need to do something about the three-inch gap between the doors in case it rains or FLOODS or something.

I was really, really calm and patient and good-natured dealing with the teenager--even though she kept crying The Whole Time--up until the point where her mom showed up and then fucked up my trooper-given paperwork. MY paperwork. IT'S NOT HARD. She'd already fucked up HER paperwork and I had explained to her what she'd done wrong, and she STILL fucked up my copy of the police report. At which point I had to say adios or start cussing them out for the SHEER VOLUME OF TIME THEY WERE STEALING FROM ME AND MY MOM ON HER BIRTHDAY.

...but the rest of the day was really good! After the accident we went to this tattoo parlor where mom got to flip through the books and make an appointment to get her tattoo! With the same lady who did my tattoo a few years ago, so that's pretty cool. This is what she's getting:

It's all going to be brown, and on her shoulder. (Not on her shoulder blade.) She has some really, REALLY faint vaccine scars from when she was a baby (like, honestly, no one sees them until she points them out) and she's always been self-conscious about them, so she's getting them covered up.

And then we had a really nice dinner at the very cozy (kinda fancy) restaurant and came home for cake and Mummy II. So the good stuff greatly outweighed the bad stuff. :D

AND! I also got won in the AO3 bid by two wonderful, generous bidders! giandujakiss and kellifer_fic! AND I have a Person of Interest fic in the beta-ing, so keep an eye out for that!

Guuuuys, you guyyys. *clings*   ilu

i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, love is all you need, do i really need a real life tag?, fannish things are fannish, writing: i does it

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