So high school subbing.

Mar 21, 2013 17:27

Way easier. Though yesterday I was bored to fucking t e a r s. She left busywork for every class--packets that needed to be completed--and I was basically there to make sure they wouldn't leave.

Pretty sure the 1st grade subbing skewed my perspective on appropriate behavior. Even when the high schoolers are talking it isn't, like, ear-splitting levels of talking/screaming/crying/whatever. Today took a little more nudging than yesterday to keep people on task, but you know who they're going to have to answer to if some of them don't have their packets completed? MADAME. And I love her but she's scary, so hahahahaha chatty table of girls the joke's on you.

Actually the only bullshit I've had to put up with today or yesterday was this morning with a class full of seniors. One of them LEFT, WITHOUT ASKING, TO GET WATER, FOR THE COFFEE MACHINE. Apparently they're allowed to use it (it wasn't in the teacher's notes, so i'm going to tell her in mine), but you don't pull that fucking shit with me, kiddo. I will end you.

Or, you know. Tattle on you. Viciously.

I brought my laptop today so I wouldn't die of boredom, and that seemed to work out better. I even got to read (pre-loaded in multiple tabs, because i'm internet-wary in a school) fic! Carefully, stone-faced, when no one was looking. And I got some writing done, which is also good. (I'm not sure what you're going to do when you read this next fic, bbs, except probably disown me for life. Suffice to say it's Finch/Reese from Person of Interest, and if you aren't watching that show SAVE YOURSELF)

TOMORROW, though. The admin secretary wants me to sub for the gym teacher during my/madame's free period. Ugh ugh ugh wtf do gym subs even DO. Dnw. :((

do i really need a real life tag?, jobbing, writing: i does it

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