i don't speak american bulldog

Feb 15, 2013 15:54

So i'm housesitting for the bff while she and her family are out of town on some family stuff, and I'm here with her two cats, one-eyed pug, two black mutts, and an american bulldog i am going to FUCKING STRANGLE

this is a breed of dog, I understand, that needs strict boundaries and lots of time and training, which--I'm sorry to say--the bff and her family do not supply. Yes, they've taken her to puppy training classes, so she knows the basics of sit/lay down/stay. If she has a command for SHUT THE FUCK UP I don't know it. Or maybe I just found it, having screamed "SHUT UP" at her in a voice I've never used with a dog (or a human?) after fifteen solid minutes of barking--not even barking AT anything, just BARKING

I know she's bored. But I can't get her interested in her toys and when I try to play with her she CHEWS on me. I'm sure this was super duper cute as a puppy but now she thinks it's okay so congrats on doggie parenting.

...sorry. I'm really tired. I have to sleep in a room with all of the dogs (in their kennels but still. The pug snores.). I love dogs, I'm usually better at them than this.

Great, now she's chewing on the other dogs. Three feet from me and my laptop. Surely this will not end in tears*.

I've got a lot of writing yet to do on the novel, more notes to take into account. Hard to focus with needy canines around. whine whine whine whine whine <--that's just me now, i know it.

*The reason the pug has one eye? This fucking dog.

bitch bitch bitch, do i really need a real life tag?, sleep deprived r us

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