Ficus Recus

Jan 17, 2013 10:56

(one day i am going to run out of clever(ish) titles but it is NOT THIS DAY)

Keep You On My Arm by rsadelle: Kaner/Tazer (Hockey). In which the team goes--and keeps going--to a gay bar, where eeeeeeveryone hits on Kaner. Adorable and dudebro at the same time, just wonderful.

If you feel me put your hands on high by vlieger: Kaner/Tazer (Hockey). Wonderfully indulgent post-lockout porn with feelings!

burnin' up for you by hapakitsune: Sid/Geno (Hockey). In which Sid is a firefighter, and Geno keeps accidentally burning things. A lot of things. akldjfalj

Get it Right, Get it Tight by twentysomething: Sid/Geno (Hockey). In which daaaaaaaaaamn Sid beefed up while Geno was in Russia. DAAAAAAAAAYUM.

A Substitute For Pudding by airandangels: Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo/moooost of the dwarves in various combinations (The Hobbit). Oh my godddddd THIS FIC. OKAY. It's very nostalgic for me because it has that same vibe of all the terrible LotR fics I read in high school where there was a vaaaague semblance of plot but mostly porn, porn, and more porn. ONLY THIS. THIS FIC IS ACTUALLY STARTLINGLY WELL-WRITTEN! WITH FEELINGS! AND PORN! It is a wip, but honestly, do yourself a favor and subscribe to updates of this fic like a boss, you will laugh, you'll be turned on by accurate character depictions, you'll laugh some more.

Through Mist or Open Sky by obstinatrix and the podfic of same by painted_pain: Jared/Jensen, JDM/Jared/Jensen. It's been so looong since I've read SPN RPF, woooow. But this author is a master at it and I love the reader's voice! In which the year is 1940, and JDM is sent to command a squadron of difficult pilots. Warning for Sean Bean being himself.

in this part of the story by gunsandbutter: Arthur/Eames (Inception). ughhhh this author is so gooood. In which Arthur and Eames share a past, but it's not looking like much of a future--except they can't seem to help saving each other. Delicious oodles of domesticity in this, just go read it immediately.

cool story, bro by drunktuesdays: Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf). In which Stiles has a twin who always seems to be better at everything, including the whole werewolf deal. WOOOONDERFUL. Everything about this fic jived so well, especially the close-but-still-slightly-antagonistic sibling rivalry. SO GOOD.

Time and Tide by mad_poetics: Arthur/Merlin (Merlin). Perfect PERFECT FIX IT FOR THE FINALE. Beautifully atmospheric and snarky and sweet. And if you need more reincarnation fics for your soul, some kind person has compiled a list! I can personally vouch for Accidental Memory in a Case of Death, and The Student Prince--the rest are in my expansive to-read pile!

All You Have to Do is Open Your Eyes by torakowalski: Cougar/Jensen (The Losers). In which Jensen is scary good at reading Cougs, and feeeeelings happen.

in bleak midwinter by lazulisong: Marcus/Esca (The Eagle). In which the cold is bad for Marcus's leg, but he has Esca to keep him warm.

maaan i thought I had more. Turns out I just have a lot of to-be-read tabs open, LE SIGH. Well, anyway, hope you enjoy! Be sure to leave feedback with the authors! :D

the hobbit, hockey??, the eagle, ficrecs, inception, look i just rec things, the losers, rps, teen wolf

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