
Dec 14, 2012 14:32

No real spoilers, just general impression under the cut! :DD

I... liked it? No, really, it was good, I think it was everything I expected going into it--which isn't bad! It just didn't blow me away. Solid A-grade.

It's three hours long. I don't think Peter Jackson would be able to make a movie about one person's sneeze without it being three hours long with at least one sword fight and people talking in made up languages. WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY FINE, I EXPECTED NO LESS! The only parts where the movie seemed especially to drag where the parts with cameo actors in them, which, dude, I ain't even mad. I can't begrudge anyone for wanting Lotr reunions across the board. I would support them remaking LotR ENTIRELY if it meant the cast got paid to hang out more. I AM COOL WITH IT. Just maybe a little less "hey let's recap what we saw in flashback twenty minutes ago," like dudes, it's cool, I was there, gossip about hair products if you need to kill some time I'm good with it!

I don't think it's really worth seeing in 3D? There were a couple good moments but honestly I got a little seasick during some of the battles.

I think Martin Freeman was the perfect Bilbo Baggins--he's really good at portraying that arrogant naivete covering for his bone-deep cowardice and general weakness of character. (Sorry, I just, Martin Freeman talked some bullshit about Lucy Liu and I'm still mad about it. Asshole.) But I do think Bilbo needs to grow the fuck up.

I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO NOMINATE THORIN FOR DWARF PRINCE OF MY PANTS FANDOM BICYCLE, because if ever there was a dude who needed to get laid six ways to sunday... (Thorin/Thranduil, Thorin/Kili, Thorin/Kili/Fili, Thorin/Bilbo, Thorin/Elrond, etc. etc.)

Maybe I will go watch North & South today since tumblr's being stupid.

Okay just, really quick, actual spoilers under this cut:

Kinda bummed I didn't get to see Legolas this movie ://

And that we barely glimpsed the dragon, and never heard him talk. :[

Also it doesn't really make sense that Old!Bilbo naration started out as if he was addressing Frodo, then he went on to describe what a Hobbit-hole was, in case Frodo...got amnesia...or something? SORRY NITPICKING, IT JUST FELT WEIRD INSTEAD OF ICONIC.

movierant, the hobbit

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