oh the weather outside is delightful

Dec 12, 2012 20:17

Last night and today it snowed SEVEN INCHES. Which is AWESOME, seeing as last week we had zero snow. Nada. It's Alaska, weather, thanks for getting your shit together! :DDDDDDDDD

No really I'm so excited, it's so fluffy and great, I don't even mind that I had to shoved out a parking space for someone dropping by--even though he parked on our lawn instead. -.-

Fuck it! *rolls around in snow*

I did finally email the bookstore guy yesterday, and while he doesn't think he'll need anyone til summer, he did say I was very much on the list! So! Even if he's lying I feel pretty good about it! Now to find something in the meantime...

At the moment we're chilling with a documentary on Stonehenge, which is basically just reminding me how much I wanted to be an archaeologist as a kid until I realized how much time I would have to spend outside. (Also that you very rarely discover things like mummies or dinosaurs.)

I think mostly I just wanted to be Amelia Peabody.

Also I got tricked into seeing The Hobbit (completely forgot to spell hobbit for a second there...hobbette) tomorrow at midnight! I think I also got tricked into wearing my Merida dress when I go. ...I will just be girl!Legolas, nbd.

look i just rec things, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?

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