zombieway - eat flesh

Nov 24, 2012 00:00

I thought I'd edited my last post to say that I'd be out of town/away from the internet from Wednesday to Sunday BUT I APPARENTLY DIDN'T and I don't want you to think I died or dropped off the face of the earth DD:

SO. I'm out of town. It's very very cold here. We've been kept busy with food, food, and more food, plus visiting friends we only get to see twice a year. My Nano has fallen really far behind but I've been taking notes!

No major family disasters, though grandma did forget(???) that mom didn't take dad's last name when they got married...25 years ago... (I believe copious amounts of whipped cream vodka was involved at the time.)

So far so good, but the weekend is yet young.

Americans--you have a good thanksgiving? I'm trying to forget that a young (16? 17? jeeshus) family friend told me she has a tumblr, and I...might have told her I shipped wincest. SHE WANTED TO KNOW WHAT SUPERNATURAL IS ABOUT BECAUSE SHE'S SEEN IT ON HER DASH. SHE DIDN'T KNOW SAM AND DEAN ARE BROTHERS. I TOLD HER TO NEVER EVER WATCH THE SHOW.

holidays: wtf, do i really need a real life tag?

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