I have lost control of my life

Nov 20, 2012 17:38

Me:  I kind of want even-younger-than-tween wolf

Where they’re like 5-6 and Derek is like 12

just. rolly polly Scott all cuddled up to Derek like a puppy

Stiles chewing on his jacket

Tombolguid: playing in the woods, tumbling all over each other, big piles of giggling kids and Derek likes to snuffle at Stiles' faces and lick him bc it makes Stiles giggle and kick his legs

Me:  ugh ugh whyyyy

Tombolguid: and it’s the high pitch kid giggles too

Me:  noooooo

Tombolguid: those almost baby squeals

Me:  stahp

Me:  ugh and Derek, like, plays fetch with them (where they throw their shoes and he goes and gets them and stuffs them back on their chubby little feet because what if catch COLD)

Tombolguid: and he lets them use him as a pillow when they watch cartoons

Me:  yes ugh and Lydia throws the worst tantrums until Derek gives her a piggy back ride

Tombolguid: but he can get all sulky sometimes bc he’s not an ACTUAL dog. they should like him as a kid too

Me:  but they do! they totally do and even when he gets sulky they just dog pile all over him until he perks up

Tombolguid: exactly!

Me:  jump-on-Derek is one of their favoritest games

Tombolguid: always

Me:  hide and seek too (they make Derek hold his nose because cheating)

Tombolguid: LOL

Me:  and he always plays along anyway like, six inches away from them going "wheeeeeere's Stiles? where could he BE"

while they giggle and tell him he's getting colder

Tombolguid: best babysitter ever


Me:  okay I just had a thought--what if toddler!Stiles

Tombolguid: omg


Me:  who still knows stuff but he's pre-verbal

Tombolguid: I’m dead

Me:  like, he thinks he's talking but it's just a stream of babble as he pats Derek’s face


Tombolguid: shut up

I cant

snot bubble

Me:  and keeps looking at Derek with his big brown eyes like "why are you so dumb today"

omfgggg snot bubble

Tombolguid: dude, toddlers, psychologically, think they share a consciousness with the world. they think that what they’re thinking is what everyone else is

Me:  yes yes yes yes exactly

so no different than Stiles on a normal day

Tombolguid: lol basically

Me:  toddler!Stiles probably knows what spell he got whammied with and knows it wears off in a day and, like, sees no reason why Scott and the others are fussing so much

he TOLD them he's fine ("gurglebUGOOO")

Tombolguid: the tantrum he throws when he’s tired

Me:  omggg so precious, so LOUD

all the grabby hands to pick him up

Tombolguid: like "I have been explaining this shit for hours and you won’t listen and I’m hungry and what are you feeding me you all suck" and it’s all wailing and throwing things and shoving his face into couch cushions

Me:  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tombolguid: until someone picks him and rubs his back and he hiccups

Me:  omfg

Tombolguid: and sniffles

that warm baby back

and his hair is all messy and his cheeks are red and they have to clean his face

Me:  can Scott pick him up bc I feel like this is so best friends duty and Scott would be awesome at it

Tombolguid: yes he can

Scott goes to pick him up and he’s totally not sure what to do but picking him up seems like the thing so he grabs Stiles and puts him on his hip and they both stare at each other for a second like >.>  <.<

and then Stiles plants his face on Scott’s neck and gives up

Me:  ajsklfjaksdljf

what if Derek kind of wanders by while Scott is holding him and sniffs and like "dude you need to change his diaper"


Derek can totally tell when Stiles is hungry because his tummy gurgles and Derek hears it

Tombolguid: and also Stiles starts to suck on his mouth and he gets cranky

Me:  and Derek is like "I AM ALPHA I WILL PROVIDE FOR THE PACK" goes to grocery store for toddler food

Tombolguid: conveniently saves him from diaper duty

Me: he’s a wascally werewolf

Tombolguid: what if Scott is sitting on the floor with Stiles and he falls asleep and Derek is lying on the couch bc alpha and Stiles isn’t asleep yet and Scott is no fun anymore so he starts staring at Derek and he stands up and makes grabby hands and Derek is like O.O no but Stiles is like nnnnnnnnng and Derek picks him up and Stiles just settles on him

Me: Stiles climbs his leather coat to look him in the face

he burbles and pokes Derek’s nose

"Abubuh" *GIGGLE*

Tombolguid: and full open hand slap

Me:  pfffft kajdfladsjf

Tombolguid: soft, baby slap of curiosity

Me:  klsfjlakdf

what if when Scott wakes up

Derek is playing peekaboo


Tombolguid: OMG

Me:  like "wheeeere's the wolfie? THERE HE IS"

while Stiles shrieks with laughter

Tombolguid: I would die

I want this so bad I can't even talk about it (BUT I WILL TRY FOR YOU, BBS). I want this as an ENTIRE SEASON ARC.

teen wolf, blahblahblah, fannish things are fannish

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