i am nacho brother, i never was

Apr 28, 2012 19:05

SHAKESPEARE PAPERS ARE FINITO which is awesome. I just have one last 10-page paper to write by Tuesday, which should actually be fairly easy considering it's taking a previous paper I wrote and making it longer. (Plus it's concerning the sexuality of the Pardoner in Chaucer's Caterbury Tales, a character whom I love an inordinate amount considering he swindles people for a living. *smooshes him*)

Today most of writing club and I went to see Cabin In The Woods,

because...it came highly recommended? I've seen people talking favorably about it on tumblr and the few glances I've managed to peek at my flist--even the girl I bought the tickets from was all "Best. Movie. Ever."

If you do go, I recommend our way of not knowing anything about the premise. I enjoyed it...enough. I don't feel I ever need to see it again? But there were some genuine laugh-out-loud moments, and the horror is horror and DID YOU KNOW CHRIS HEMSWORTH IS IN IT? I DID NOT. That was some beautiful eye-candy. There was only one time where the jump-scare got me so bad I flinched hard enough to pull a muscle--the rest are good, but I'm super paranoid and had my ears plugged, slinking low in my seat like a baby. From a writer's pov, the premise was super interesting.

*SIGH* I need to figure out my finals schedule for next week and see if I can figure in driving back to the valley for the midnight showing of Avengers, only to drive all the way back to town for a final first thing in the morning. blaaargh.

If I CAN make t work, writing club and I have decided we'll dress in our designated character's color. I am Thor, because I am tall and also like poptarts? The connections are tenuous, but I think I have an outfit picked out. *nodnod*

avengers, movierant, do i really need a real life tag?, college tag: wtf

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