I had an eeeexcellent birthday yesterday, guys, and so much of that was you all and this little internet family we have, so. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my wibbly-wobbly heart. ♥
Last night out with fancy pizza and the girls was also fuckin' excellent, and they let me eat too much and drink all the cider I wanted, and it's ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that
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I know hit counts don't mean a lot, I mean, a large hit count could indicate recs and rereads, but really it can't tell you whether someone enjoyed or even read the fic, just that the fandom, pairing, rating, wordcount, and summary intrigued them enough to click on it. I'm thinking when I do the meme I'm going to take a cue from my friend apple_pathways and do top ten by hitcount AND top ten by kudos even though those numbers are even more depressing.
...Even so. Several people on my flist (AMAZING writers all) did this meme and I'm seeing hitcounts in the multiple thousands, and my top ten is like... mostly double digits, with only the top two breaking 100. And I admit there is a part of me that reeeeeaaally wants to know how the heck one actually acquires that many readers. (I assume it would involve actually participating in fandom, pffff that seems like way too much effort. XD)
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