i spied twa corbies they were makin' meal

Apr 04, 2012 14:12

I have a. Thing. In my eyeball. Like. IN my EYEBALL. It is a sort of floaty thing that moves and changes shape but only because it's like a tiny tiny string or something and SOMETIMES that shape is a penis. ...I wish i was making this up.

I spent half of yesterday wearing glasses, hoping it was something on a contact, but nope. Just made me queasy, and shot my depth perception all to hell.

Does anyone know what the fuck this could be? Or better still, does anyone know how the fuck to get rid of it? :((

Speaking of awkward off-topic segues, I made a Celtic Mix for flightjacket/epaulettes' birthday, which can be found here. It has a lot of my favs, and you can spy my ridiculous crush on Old Blind Dogs from space, but anyway, I hope everyone enjoys it! :D

help me obi-flist kenobi, music, love is all you need

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