loki says "guuuurl"

Dec 15, 2011 15:36

Alright, now? Now I am COMPLETELY done, and completely sober, which is a definitely change from last night. Or whatever, guys, I need you to understand that I have a hellish vacation coming up and 10 days of that is with relatives who are Quakers, and therefore don't drink. I'm pre-drinking away my upcoming sorrows, it all makes sense to me.

(Speaking of which the crazy Aunt is still whining but we are doing our best to placate her, even though she called us many nasty things, because we have it in us to be the better men. *dons Magneto helmet*)

Also, I got a manicure today and my nails are all pretty and dark green with silver glitter. LOKI NAILS, I HAS THEM. :DD

Soooo now all I have to do is write my spn_j2_xmas thing, uhhh pack, OH, I want to make a massive ass reclist for you guys before I go, because it's been a while since I did that and I feel bad for the time I might be away again while I'm traveling, so yup.

Let's start with this one, because I LOVE IT, and we're on a vague x-men-y sort of kick in this post:

X Marks the Spot by thehoyden: It's an Erik/Charles INDIANA JONES AU, OKAY. I don't know how I can stress the awesomeness of this enough, drop what you are doing and read it.

That should hold you over til tomorrow. ;D Oh, does anyone have any podfic recs for me? Or know where I can get my hands on Cabin Pressure episodes past season two? *bats lashes*

help me obi-flist kenobi, avengers, x-men, love is all you need, do i really need a real life tag?, ficrecs, writing: i does it

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