guys guys guys guys

Dec 14, 2011 22:00

I AM HOME FREEEEE, PRETTY MUCH FREE AS THE WIIIIIND BLOOOOOOOOOWS. 'Cause i've just got a thing due tomorrow but the worst is ooooover, and and I thought about not saying hi tonight because I got celebratory buzzed? And then i remembered that you like my drunkposts.

Or you pretend to, or maybe you used to, IT FEELS LIKE I'VE BEEN GONE FOR YEARS, fuck i have been gone years in internet time, do you even remember my name? Oh shit, you probably don't know my real name. DO YOU REMEMBER MY FACE? fuck it this is a dumb game.

Anyhoo, we're watching Love Actually and I'm drinking hard cider and dad's rolling rum balls and oh look Martin Freeman is pretending to have sex again and GUYS GUYS, he says he honest to god says, "He introduced me as John but everyone calls me Jack," HIS NAME IS JOHN AND HE'S A PORN STAND-IN, wheeeeere is the Sherlock BBC AU. Where John is willing to do anything to afford living in london, and if that means gay porn stand-in so be it, and SHERLOCK IS OF COURSE UNDERCOVER ON A CASE. alskdflksfl

auuuugh guys guys we're at the part where Emma Thompson doesn't get the neckace DDD: BUT. BUT HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT THE NECKLACE ISN'T STILL UNDER THE TREE? oh fuck this movie breaks my heart ;_____; ALAN RICKMAN HOW COULD YOU.

Actually this movie mostly makes me want to punch Kenneth Branaugh in the balls for doing this to Emma Thompson in real life. Yes. Love actually. *GASP* LIAM NEESONNNN HI LIAM NEESON HIIII.

love is all you need, seriously i fucking love you, i probably need a drunkpost tag

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