sing me sweet and low, leave the sugar packets out of it.

Oct 07, 2011 17:24

Last night we went to Acapella Festivella at my university, which for me and my singing!kink is basically 2 1/2 hours of live porn. It was fanfuckingtastic. The University's Glee club was excellent as per usual, and if the leader of that group weren't a) super Christian, b) super married, I would be in danger of developing a massive crush all over him. Hot. Damn.

The second group was Pitch Slapped--if it sounds familiar it's because they were on last year's Sing Off! Yeeeeah, they got voted off pretty quick, but holy shit have they got better. I just. I don't even. Jaw dropping was one way to put it. Which is a far cry from this:

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To this:

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You. You in the vest. Yes you. Report, as they say, to the god damn pants, sir. Oh my god.


The second group bad? I don't know, I would have put them second and Pitch Slapped third, just because Sonos' preferred music is more low-key. Also, they don't have a bass. ALSO, last night they had little paddle sound things on the floor that distorted their voices when they stepped on them, which I personally think is cheating.

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But they're still on Sing Off on Monday, soooooo...

Also last night 4 out of 5 of them were in skinny jeans, guess who. I don't know, I don't mean to be bitchy, this year on Sing Off my heart is pretty well pwned by Delilah, AND Yellowjackets AND Afro Blue AND occasionally in a surprise twist, the Mormon boys, Vocal Point.

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So here, to celebrate the death of my ovaries, HAVE A GRAB BAG OF ACAPELLA MUSIC, including Pitch Slapped, Tuft's Beezlebubs, etc. etc. ENJOY BBS!

gif me moar, look i just rec things, music, vidrec, love is all you need, porn: it's what's for dinner

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