so yeah there's that

Aug 08, 2011 23:32

Back from camping. Haven't unpacked. Got in fight with brother. Pissed off mom. But I got a shower, so: upside. Even though shower was luke warm. And my rubber boots gave mme blisters. Jooooy.

But despite the last thirty minutes or so, the camping was fun, and I'll do up a picspam post when I have time. ...Which might be kind of scarce seeing as my evil grandmother (and perfectly wonderful grandfather) are coming for a visit. Tomorrow. All fingers are crossed that the carpeting will be done by then, but we'll see.

BUT GUYS. This is not a bleary-eyed half-dead post to complain about that! This is a post to ask about Entourage. Specifically, how I somehow had to find out that Scott Caan is currently(???) on another TV show(????) from a People magazine in the middle of actual fucking nowhere with no internet connection for a hundred miles????

And now i'm just too fucking tired to research it so can someone EXPLAIN TO ME why a co-star of his own television show who is part of a cast who had been complaining about their work load being too much* suddenly FEELS THE NEED to be on a different tv show on his off time?

*I would like to direct their attention to Supernatural which has exactly two (2) cast regulars and ask them very kindly to suck it up. They are also filming in Hawaii, which is not Vancouver.

auugajjdlaks i'm just going to get off the internet now, obviously sleeping on the ground does not make me an agreeable person.

...also i would like to appologize for any siezures caused by the fluxuation of allcaps and font faces and probably atrocious spelling. *stares balefully at post* *posts anyway*

ugh & damn, do i really need a real life tag?, scott caan: bad life choices, sleep deprived r us

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