Shoot me shoot me shoot me.
But this is MOTIVATION, okay, I will not start writing this until my Steve/Danny
help_japan fic is done, and I didn't Big Bang this year, and I've had ~ideas lately of the Sam/Dean kind. Patially because I've been rewatching the third season with the Writing Club, and partially because I've been reading John Winchester's Journal, which.
Have any of you read it? Maaaaajor discrepancies. I can only assume John put a spell on th journal to keep the boys from reading parts of it (or the writer didn't do their homework). Oh and also it makes me want to punch him in the face for being such a shit dad. Even when he's trying he has alterior motives, and when he isn't trying--he leaves seven-year-old Sammy in the care of a hunter who has been WANTING ALONE TIME WITH SAM, and he is just really fucking lucky that when he gets back Sam is sitting on the porch and the hunter's insides are splattered on the walls.
But see, those are the kind of things Show might have brought up when half the world was convinced Sam was the anti-christ. Maybe.