Um, so, yes, nothing much to report, all quiet on the home front, and unless I change my mind (entirely possible) I'm thinking about doing
Dear Frankie for
spn_cinema . It is a movie that NO ONE HAS HEARD ABOUT, so odds are pretty good that no one will snatch it up before me! :D
You know what this day needs?
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I just. I don't even.
P.S. I do not know if this
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She took my RentBoy!Danny theory and spun it into Homophobic!Steve and Sugar-Daddied!Danny and holy crap, I didn't see that one coming. I still like RentBoy!Danny and may write him anyway some day, like maybe June after I do the photos for the BFF's niece's wedding before which I could use a new 64 bit system and a reload of EVERYDAMNTHING to see if CS4, Lightroom & the Nik software will finally play nice for the pritty pritty pikchers.
I have *no idea* who Tom Hardy is.
I take it I should. :)
I am a big fan of AUs in this fandom, and rentboy!Aus? No exception. Damn, though, I want a fic where Danny never became a cop but still moved to Hawaii to be with Grace and open a DINER. And Steve is such a workaholic without a partner who can reel him in, that he's just really bad at feeding himself, so he winds up at Danno's Diner a LOT. And stuff happens. ;3
Tom Hardy was Eames in Inception, aaaand he and BC have worked together before. (Yes like that. In my MIND.)
Those guys just can't get their acts together! I totally understand your conundrum. :/ What's your trouble, bubbe? Maybe I can hellllllp ( ... )
And bakes. And feeds Steve. And never wears ties. ;D
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