i have obeyed the voice in my head. collected footsteps before dawn.

Feb 17, 2011 18:04

Um, so, yes, nothing much to report, all quiet on the home front, and unless I change my mind (entirely possible) I'm thinking about doing Dear Frankie for spn_cinema . It is a movie that NO ONE HAS HEARD ABOUT, so odds are pretty good that no one will snatch it up before me! :D

You know what this day needs?

image Click to view

I just. I don't even.

P.S. I do not know if this is a thing that you know, but tombolguid just pointed me towards THIS SITE, where you can listen AND DOWNLOAD Tom Hardy proving once and for all the power he has to impregnate women from across the internets while talking about freaking shoes.

I need to take a minute and think about whether or not I can live with being the type of person with a Nike commercial in my mental folder of naughty things.

Moment taken.


P.P.S. And HEY HEY speaking of sexass people saying sexass things, (and I'm so sorry I didn't post this sooner)  Benedict Cumberbatch reading Keats, Carroll, and Coleridge. You need to join the comm, but ahahahaha FUCKING WORTH IT. Just. Okay. Anything you are imagining in your head--perhaps you are still stuck up in the knee-melting breath-catching funtimes which is T-Hard, but I need you to take that amazingness you just felt, and MULTIPLY BY A BILLIONTY.

To prepare. I'm not joking. It's that good.

*smish* And how are all of you?

benedictcumberbatchbenedictcumberbatch, random! random! random!, *nerdgasm*, t-hard no, fannish things are fannish, writing: i does it

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