this is going to be one of those hmmmblahdittyblah posts, i can tell

Jan 16, 2011 14:08

*CMM squint*

Hmmmm. I feel like i should post something, because today is Sunday, a notoriously LJ!Lite day, and...pfft sentence stopped making sense. I give up.

Next weekend the Seatle!Bff is coming up for a visit--and thank god for the random guys she strings along, one of them is picking her up from the airport at ughfuckno in the morning and driving her to my house, which is just SO AWESOME. Bc she's still fighting with the original friend who was going to pick her up, and when i tried to talk to the friend--just to ask if she was for sure bailing on the pick-up, not anything else--i got screamed at via text message, and told to keep my "venom" to myself.

So. That was fun.

Though i did get talked down from screaming right back, i almost wish i hadn't been--this girl is being self-destructive and willfully stupid and has no fucking right to take it out on me or the BFF. But it's her issue and i've only hung out  with her once or twice, so no skin off my back if we aren't on good terms any more. WHATEVS. (Ngl, there's a vicious little gleefisted part of me that just wants to get in a fight via text message so i can say i defeated someone with this thumb.)

Today is a lovely Alaskan day, which i am spending inside like a sane person. The wind finally died down after a week of newscasters telling us it was going to stop at midnight every day for the past week. You rock, weather people. Go stand outside.

You know what this post needs? More gay couples holding babies.

Godddd be more adorable, NPH, i can't stand itttt.

So have a happy Sunday, bbs. Anyone else get Martin Luther King Jr Day off tomorrow? They had two cakes set up in one of my college buildings that just said "Happy Birthday Dr. King," and I for serious thought they were for a professor. Not my proudest moment, but I did get cake out of the deal. MMMCAKE.

i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, random! random! random!, alaska: we're cool, /chad, do i really need a real life tag?, if you were gay

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