whoa, that's a lot of blah blah blah

Jan 15, 2011 10:45

Writing Club today, which, yesss even though we don't usually do much writing between the catching up and the oh-my-god-have-you-read-thats and today i might just bring in Naked Heat and let T have at it, because she likes to monologue (about everything, but especially bad writing) and then maaaaybe i can do some much-needed editing on my j2_everafter  fic.

Which, by the way, comes out Feb 2nd, so mark your calendars and make sure you don't have access to a computer. Go to a third world country! Volunteer for space travel.

Speaking of space travel, for my history of rhetoric class--which seems to be 90% prof ranting about anything from left-handed-inequality to the recent Arizona shootings and how it might be Sarah Palin's fault (maybe) (not really)--we had to watch and compare Ronald Reagan's post space shuttle disaster speech, and Bush's. Interesting? Yes. I found myself occasionally unnerved by Reagan's in-your-face direct address and severely turned off by Bush's pedantic bible thumping, but overall an enlightening experience, and they definitely both had their strong points. I still don't understand why they assume we believe space travel is easy, though. Are we the Jetsons? Yeah, no.

So, blah blah blah, school is hard, why can't we take classes like Victorian England: What It Means For Your Slash Otp, or How to Never Write The Word 'Penis' In Your Sex Scene 101. You know, relevant things.

Oh! One last random thought: So i've been watching a lot of Due South, since i got it for Christmas, and i was even going back and watching the itty bitty handful of Vecchio episodes that don't make me want to punch something, and GUYSGUYSGUYS in the episode where their plane is hijacked and they crash-land in the middle of the Canadian wilderness?  THEY FIGHT LIKE STEVE AND DANNY.

And how cool would it be if Steve and Danny crashlanded in Hawaii, and Steve is the only one who knows how to ninja surviving while they track down this escaping prisoner, but he has HIT HIS HEAD and is SORT OF KIND OF ALL THE WAY BLIND, and Danny is like, Um, Excuse Me, Rambo, I Think Living Is More Important Than Catching The Prisoner, but Steve is all stubborn and grr!face and maybe they have to cuddle for warmth, idk, doesn't it get cold at night in Hawaii?

And Danny has to use his tie to bandage Steve's head and it looks ridiculously adorable but Steve can't see himself or Danny so he doesn't know, and Danny realizes this and takes TOTAL ADVANTAGE of STARING AT STEVE'S ASS, and since Steve is temporarily blind he also needs a lot of touching to keep from falling off of cliffs and such, and YEAH.


due south, do i really need a real life tag?, writing: i does it, hawaii five oh my god, college tag: wtf

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