Snow Blow. There's a dirty joke in there.

Jan 01, 2011 11:31

Just spent an hour sanding the driveway for The Return of the people i'm housesitting for, because a) the weather is still fucking awful, 2) i lost my chance to snow blow the driveway like they had asked me to do, and now it's too slushy/crunchy to snow blow, and D) my arms hurt. That was more than an eighty pound bag of road grit i hauled behind me on a sled, stopping every few feet to scoop up some gravel in a small soup pan to sprinkle on the ground in front of me, and. And their driveway is freaking looooooong.

They were going to pay me $25 extra for snow blowing, which. Double Fail, self. Part of me wants them to offer $25 for gritting their ENTIRE DRIVEWAY, just so i can be all righteous and turn them down.

I think i've mostly got the house back together. Doing laundry for the sheets i slept in, have to load the dishwasher, and the little gray dog Will Not Eat Breakfast so i might have to kill her. (She's not sick, she's just snubbing it because she thinks she can hold out for the canned stuff, which. No. I'm not fishing out "the good bits" from canned horsemeat and mixing it with the dry food just so other people can spoil their dogs, and she has been doing just fine on the dry kind.)

Got to watch some fireworks from the driveway last night, after i fell sideways into a snowbank but before someone set off a firework at the end of the driveway and the little black dog about had a hernia. So we retreated to the basement to watch Jon Huertas and Seamus Dever be in love with each other all over the commentary episode of Castle. Not even kidding.

Is there rps yet? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Seamus called Jon "Smokin'," and then, when Jon asked him to clarify ("What, you think the look is 'smokin' or that I am?") Seamus said, "No, no, 'smokin' is what I feel for you."


They also expressed their massive crushes for both Nathan Fillion and Susan Sullivan, AND the FBI agent who was hitting on Becket. AND JUST LOOK AT THEIR FACES. HOW IS THAT NOT TRUE LOVE?

So overall, not a bad way to spend a New Years. Except for falling in a snowbank, that kind of sucked. And melting the lasagne into a mess of charred plastic. And my mom calling to tell me all about the party fun they were having with whipped cream flavored vodka and little polish dumplings.


castle, holidays: wtf, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?, if you were gay

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