
Oct 21, 2010 15:20

We're discussing Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight in my English class while i simultaneously devise ways to both break the fingers of the guy behind me loudly flicking his straw, and how to fling Stephen Fry's reasoning at the Prof and run away before i get in trouble. Ahem.

In any case, if any of you would like to take this passage and write me wintry Camelot snuggles, i will definitely not say no:

One Christmas in Camelot King Arthur sat
at ease with his lords and loyal liegemen
arranged as brothers round the Round Table.
Their reckless jokes rang about that rich hall
till they turned from the table to the tournament field
and jousted like gentlemen with lances and laughs,
then trooped to court in a carolling crowd.
For the feast lasted a full fifteen days
of meals and merriment (as much as could fit.)
Such gay glee must gladden the ear --
by day what a din, and dancing by night!
The halls and chambers were heaped with happy
lords and ladies as high as you like!
There they were gathered with all the world's goodness:
knights as kind as Christ himself,
ladies as lovely as ever have lived,
and the noblest king our nation has known.
They were yet in the pride, in the prime of their youth,
and filled 
       as full of heaven's blessing 
       as the king had strength of will. 
       And mighty men surpassing 
       all were gathered on that hill.

~Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight

*chinhands* Or if you'd like to pass it along to others....

Story is not nearly as fun as when Gawaine is shirtless.

padaleckimas, ugh & damn, full of ennui, college tag: wtf

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