Okay, y'all know how yesterday
started out weird? It got WEIRDERER.
My mom had to do a radio show after school, so we arranged that I'd hang out in the library until she called, at which point I'd meet her at the side door. The thing about my phone is, it's one of those cheap awful Pay-As-You-Go phones, and it costs a lot of money when i answer/make calls, so we were going to beat the system by having her ring once, then hang up. Flawless plan, no?
No. My phone was so low on money it decided it wouldn't ~allow me to receive calls, but didn't bother to tell me. So it's now 45 minutes past any reasonable hour she could have been done, and I'm thinking she a) forgot about me D: or b) somehow screwed up an hour of the show and had to redo it. No worries, i send her a text--which her phone can receive but not reply to--asking whats up and to give me a call when she's done.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, mom is freaking out trying to find me, asking my brother to send a text, calling my dad who doesn't pick up, wandering around the massive library looking for me.
Now, i have had to pee for, like, the last hour, but i didn't want to give up my spot. However, i cannae hold it any longer, and it's getting kind of cold in the library, so i stuff my trusty owl hat on my head and pack up everything to hit the head. Just as i'm entering a stall (you really did not need this much detail, did you?)--
Mom: *pops out of another stall* WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??!?
Me: *jumps about a foot in the air* Jesus Christ! I--I had to...pee?
She saw my owl hat. That's how cool i be.
But wait. It gets weirder.
We call Dad to let him know what's happened, and let him know we're on our way home--which is about an hour away. I'm already starving, but he says he's got dinner on. So yay. And it's good (dad's cooking is always good) and there's garlic parmesan green beans and peanut potatoes and some sort of meat gravy thing. I assumed moose, but it tasted more like beef, and we settled down in front of a Bones episode to eat.
Me: This is really good! *omnomnom*
Dad: Thanks. I'm really glad you like the black bear.
Me: .......*chokes*
Mom: Seriously? *still eating* Where'd you get black bear?
Dad: Can't remember. But the jars said 2009.
Me: *dies*
So. Yeah. Life? You could normal it up a little, kthnx.
Can I Say It Now? and it is A-MAZING. Sort-of-Kradam-preslash-kidfic-ahahaha-not-going-to-spoil-it-EPICNESS. GO GO GO.