Sep 09, 2010 18:27

This morning i woke up and my hair was unbraided.

You: o_O You...normally sleep with brains braids in?

Well, yes, because otherwise it becomes unmanageable and i wind up looking like Annie struck by lightning. Or the maid from Rocky Horror.

You: Well, what kind of ties did you use?

No ties, hair just stays that way. Braided. Unaided. Usually.

You: Which means sometime in the middle of the night you undid your braids while you were asleep?

That's about the sum of it yes.


Because cat_teh_rose  is darling and mailed me her collection. ONE SEASON DOWN, BAYBEE, TEN BILLION TO GO.

I want you to understand that the extent of my knowledge of BSG as of a week ago was limited to: CKR is in it. So i was really looking forward to it, because i'd get to slash him with hot dudes.

You know what? It's really hard to slash people in BSG. The only time my slash goggles even twitched was once after the XO saved the Admiral, and UGHUGHUGHDNW. Basically, there's no subtext in this show! I mean, it's great, don't get me wrong, but there's too much happening for there to be any behind-the-scenes bromances. Also, Leoben makes me want to go cry in Kowalski's arms and ask him where he went wrong, poor baby.

Gaius ("JULIAN! HI! HI JULIAN" says my mom) is batfuckbuggering crazy. He could take a long walk off a short pier and i would not miss him. He can take the blond ego-killer with him, kthnx.

Btw, Jamie Bamber gives off THE STRONGEST GAY VIBES I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED EVER. I'm not even looking, i swear i'm not--has this guy come out of the closet yet? He's beautiful and should marry a librarian. Eta: I have just wikied this shit and he is married--to a girl. mebbe?

In other other news, i want to start watching White Collar. Omnom.

battlestar galactica, i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, callummmmmm, random! random! random!, do i really need a real life tag?, don't spoil me bro!

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