Do you speak yappy?

Jul 03, 2010 08:17

Moshi, the little princess, has just woken me up at 7:30 again. THIS IS EARLY FOR ME, OKAY? And on top of that, after our hike up the end of the driveway to get the newspaper but before breakfast, she was sick. I managed to get her outside before she horfed, and it seems to be mainly grass--which she's been eating against my express wishes since i got here--but even so i've stuffed her on the back deck to eat breakfast in case she feels like repeating the experience.

...This is a dog, by the way. I'm not shoving some toddler outside to eat wheaties in the rain.

I do have the number for their vet, these dogs, but grass-sick is normal, right? Whenever my cat used to eat grass it was always a prelude to a hairball. Moshi is pretty i underreacting?

Ohhhh boring domestic post is boring and domestic.

In other news, three of the fish are playing tag. HA i am sure this is not what they are doing. I'm just saying, if i was a goldfish in a two foot tank? I'd definitely be dueling to the death with somebody.

do i really need a real life tag?, full of ennui, hahaha i think i'm funny

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