Dear Show,
UM, WHAT? Did that seriously just happen? You finally included other denominations and turned them into blood sucking zombies? I mean, really? Ganesh is the elephant-headed god of good luck and safe driving and fun times, not SUCKING BONE MARROW. Kali and most of the rest i can understand being a tad blood-thirsty, but GANESH? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK.
Also, if that Chinese guy was Buddha? Holy shit are you sued screwed.
Slightly creeped out by how you've turned into a video game,
P.S. random ghostfacers advert in the middle there? what?
Dear Sam and Dean,
Fun facts for fighting ghosts:
#1) glass doors, when locked, are still MADE OF GLASS. YOU CAN GET OUT.
#2) when one brother is busy, be sure to turn in a direction where you can see people sneak up on you. ESPECIALLY IF THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE.
#3) Hee, Dean, were you wearing Sam's clothes? :D
Love forever and always,
Dear Lucifer,
choke on a pork chop and conveniently die,
Honestly. HONESTLY. -__-