So yesterday. Questionable pasta sauce. Passed both sniff and taste test, but it had been a while since i'd bought/opened/used it, so i wasn't too surprised when my stomach was doing :/ things last night while my acting buddies and ex-directors and i were waiting to audition for the Suds Festival (Suds = Stirling University Drama Society, not like. Foam party.)
But whatevs. Then we heard there were cheap pitchers of cocktails over at the campus bar (did i mention my university has a bar? Thbbbpt.)--and you know how we heard? The guys were getting all excited about it. Boys. Who each bought a pitcher of Woo Woo or Sex On the Beach or Blue Lagoon and just sat there with a straw. This would never happen in America. O_O
SO THEN. Well. D has an early class so we three are just going to split one pitcher and go home. Only, well. The pitchers are really small, and not doing much between the three of us, so i grab the next round, and then, well, that's not really fair that K hasn't bought one, and THAT'S HOW THIS HAPPENED:
Me: We should text more often! And i'm not just saying that cuz im sharing my third pitcher of cocktails <333
pennyplainknits : You drunkard!
Me: I am not a drunkard! Im a buzzard! ...waaaait
pennyplainknits : And my point is made.
*headdesk* BB, i am sooooo sorry. And my phone is really crap so i think it might have sent you an elaborate text (saying "<3333333333") close to midnight instead of when i sent it at a way more reasonable hour? D:
Anyhoo, turns out my pasta sauce is Just Fine. It's that most wonderful time of the month instead. (I would have prefered food poisoning, kthnx.) Which meant i woke up at six this morning and couldn't take any Ibuprophen right away because i read on google that it CAUSES STOMACH BLEEDING when combined with alcohol, and i wasn't sure if that only counted with alcohol in your tummy verses in your bloodstream.
But then i watched Ten Inch Hero. I feel better now. Hen period salad...! *snerk*
How do y'all feel about an M2 drabble fest over at
m2_homegoods today? I could do with some MMcLovin'...