Kooking with Klu!

Nov 22, 2009 11:24

SAVE THE LIVAH! (coulnd't find that video even if i sold a liver)

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Tralala... So this is the pumpkin pie cooking post. I'll just keep dumping things on here as they happen. So stay tuned.

STEP ONE! A trip to the store. For:
~ a pie tin
~ .......a spoon. For which to stir.

(BDW, I went to a pie party last night for dinner, and you didn't. NYAH.)

So. Totally didn't go to the store. I relied upon my dinky half-an-inch deep pie crusts that i found and bought the other day, and we'll see how that turns out. :/


Yes, the peanut butter sandwich is crucial. Also, it is important to have a mixing bowl with proper aerodynamics and such. And that can opener that isn't mine? No idea how that got there.

Eggs. Woot. And that fork? Never totally seen it before in my life. Doesn't mean it belongs to me.

(I think now would be a good time to point out that as a poor college student, i don't have much. I'm also Alaskan bron and bred, and we tend to make the most of what we have. It's working smart, not harder--or whatever, idek. Dad speak.)

So yes, that is my tupperwear.

LOOKIN GOOD SO FAR! Which is when things started to go wrong.

I don't...actually...own...measuring cups. Or teaspoons. And my flatmates are boys, so really a can opener is fairly technologically advanced.

And this sugar...is not white. Even though the bag said...oh who the fuck knows what the bag said, WHY DOES THERE EXIST IN THE WORLD MORE THAN TWO KINDS OF SUGAR?

So i guestimated. A lot of this pie was guestimated, actually, but when it came to how many grams are in a pint of evaporated milk? I had to run to my laptop and look it up.

And guess again.

Oh and my salt? Totally stole it from a restaurant. d(^^)b

But it looks okay! Tastes okay too. (WOOT, risking Salmonella!! XD)

Fake pie crust. -_-

But it actually held all the filling, which was more than i was expecting, honestly.

AND NOW...! ...We wait.

So remember the last image i gave you? Of course you do, it's right above this. Well forty minutes later, looking at two beautifully baked pies in the piping hot oven is right about when i realized I DON'T OWN OVEN MITTS.

Meet ~improvisation:

Don't give me that look, it WORKED!

And now...

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kooking with klu, i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, do i really need a real life tag?

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